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Last up dated 5/5/09
This is the Mother of all updates and we’re not sure if much more can be found out at this time about STEEN’S Chemical and Lubricants, but if any one knows more or knows of someone who does let us know please. We're still working on the layout for this page, so STEEN'S History is still under constuaction, but with so much info we can't hold it back from you anymore.
In this update we introduce John Steen to everyone and how he started his company and when and how he produced the TACO Mini Bikes.
This update should satisfy most of the questions we have all asked and more. No other brand of Mini Bike has this kind of SoCal and Motorcycle history. This update proves TACO Mini Bikes are the King of the Mini Bikes.
Enjoy the update and let us know what you think and what other question you might have. We are also still looking for TACO serial #’s especially from 1967 to 1969 on TACO 22 and 44’s

A History and Reference Guide to STEEN’S Mini Bike.
This website answers almost every question about the Mini Bike.
From the first model to the last, the earliest shocks and rims to the later ones and what engines came on which bikes? The mysteries are unraveled on these pages.
This website is a work in progress and it is not perfect. It’s only one man's interpretation of the history and evolution of the STEEN’S Mini Bike... but it is based on Rod and Custom, Cycle World, Karting World, and Mini Bike Guide articles. Also Go-Kart Mfg.and Flexo Products catalogs, as well as all of STEEN'S original catalogs from 1961 to 1971.
Why build such a site? All of this information on these wonderful Socal American 60’s Mini Bikes (the birth place of Go Karting and Mini Biking) and any knowledge of the STEEN’S Chemicals and Lubricants company was almost lost for ever. This website has been created in hopes of saving and sharing the history of one of the Mini Bikes greatest brands.
If you have any information on STEEN’S Mini Bikes or a childhood story and any pictures about your experience please email your info.

Coming soon:
Lost Photos of the STEEN’S Factory in 1967

MAC's Corner Vol. 3
Parts : Original catalogs photos and new digital photos of original parts
STEEN’S "The first all synthetic oil"
Engine Coding : What is the correct engine code for your model

Special thanks to Brady Betzel. with out his help this web site would not be possible. |